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07/10/12 New Feature: 左键双击任意英文单词就能显示解释
07/11/14 All the articles clipped from other websites are for the mere usage of language learning


clips from "Feature presentation"

选自 The New Yorker May 28, 2007

1.feature creep:Feature creep (sometimes known as requirements creep or scope creep) is a tendency for product or project requirements to increase during development beyond those originally foreseen, leading to features that weren't originally planned and resulting risk to product quality or schedule. Feature creep may be driven by a client's growing "wish list" or by developers themselves as they see opportunity for improving the product. To control feature creep, project management tools, such as the requirements stability index (RSI), are sometimes advocated. (from whatis.com)

制造者不是使用者, 他们关心的是增加一个功能产生的市场吸引力和经济效益, 不会关心使用者是不是需要,是不是能够应用这个复杂抑或是简单的功能.
2.feature fatigue :字面能比较直观的理解, 即对于众多功能产生了疲劳.

Being technically savvy themselves, engineers love to enhance the capabilities of a product and give users more control and more options, particularly now that, thanks to digitization, lots of added features don’t mean lots of added production costs.

And marketing and sales departments see each additional feature as a new selling point, and a new way to lure customers.

It turns out that when we look at a new product in a store we tend to think that the more features there are, the better. It’s only once we get the product home and try to use it that we realize the virtues of simplicity.

We’re also willing to pay for extra options because we feel shortchanged if we don’t have them


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