Bulletin Board

07/10/12 New Feature: 左键双击任意英文单词就能显示解释
07/11/14 All the articles clipped from other websites are for the mere usage of language learning




1. Speculation:商业用语,我觉得译成商业投机更准确一点把.
举例:In the last quarter, there has been a rise in bond speculation.

2.Sensationalization: 新闻用语,包装
英语释义: the action to deliberately make something seem as strange, exciting, or shocking as possible
举例The story has been sensationalized for the sole purpose of selling newspapers.

3. hype: 利用媒体炒作, 大肆宣传,言过其实.
英语释义: Hype is the use of a lot of publicity and advertising to make people interested in something such as a product.

Despite all the
hype, I thought the book was pretty boring.

Is it really Kevin Costner's best film performance, or is that just media hype?

词组: cook up a... hype = cook up a story


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