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07/10/12 New Feature: 左键双击任意英文单词就能显示解释
07/11/14 All the articles clipped from other websites are for the mere usage of language learning


Pet peeves

clipped from www.usatoday.com
Jon Williamson sensed that just about everybody out there had a pet peeve. Now he's got some statistical data to prove it.

People talking too loudly in public, yakking away on cellphones or speaking in theaters during the movie are among the leading complaints his company's website, mypetpeeves.com, has catalogued since it began keeping track a couple years ago. Then there are people who don't listen when you do talk (a favorite pet peeve of women) or dogs that won't stop talking (in their case it's called barking).

"We've had over 100,000 from people all over the world," since MyPetPeeves began tracking them, he said.

MyPetPeeves is proposing that people fight back with stuffed animals, electronic cards and other feel-good doodads it offers. Or, if buying stuff is also a pet peeve, they can sound off for free on the website.

Since he's been tracking pet peeves, Williamson has found that as the culture evolves so do people's gripes.

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Pet peeve,是个挺地道的美国词组
在Friends里第一次听到的词. monica's greatest pet peeve is animal dresses as humans. 哈哈.她难道讨厌唐老鸭和米老鼠?

pet peeve的解释: Something about which one frequently complains; a particular personal vexation.我觉得中文解释更倾向于怪癖吧.

看了上面的clipmark,我开始思考我的pet peeves 是什么呢 just to name a few
first thing back home is wash my hands
i have to check the door lock twice before i go to bed everynight, also before i go out.
i hate when people don't treat my things nicely, espically when somebody dog-eared my book.


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