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07/10/12 New Feature: 左键双击任意英文单词就能显示解释
07/11/14 All the articles clipped from other websites are for the mere usage of language learning


House 415 House's Head

It's a great episode. The total episodes of HOUSE that i watched is no more than 10. Yet i am greatly intrigued by this specific one.

House's head is hurt, fractured in a bus crash. But he had short-term memory loss, he tried to think the single most important people he wanted to save but he couldn't remember. And after the mind-blowing telling of the story, it turned out that one was Amber. She was on the bus with House. She was seriously hurt, with a steel tube through her thigh and she had wound and blood all over her face.

BUT, the most important question was "What House and Amber was doing before the bus and How they ended up on the same bus?" Well, this will certainly not unveil until the next episode, the grand season finale" two-hour" special.

I cannot wait to see the end. It's all like that, isn't it? Waiting to see what's next, this is how television work.


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