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07/10/12 New Feature: 左键双击任意英文单词就能显示解释
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英语学习之 one's cup of tea, get apple cheek

今天看Simpson, 听到了这两个短语. one's cup of tea以及 get apple cheek. 依次介绍它们的含义和用法

1. One's cup of tea: 一个人的口味/喜欢的事/擅长的事
Something that is in accord with one's liking or taste. (from anwers.com)
当然, 反义词就是not one's cup of tea.
举例: Fighting crime is not my cup of tea. 打击犯罪不是我所擅长. (来自Simpson里的长官)
Quiz shows are just my cup of tea. 我就是喜欢问答型的综艺节目.
Baseball is not her cup of tea. 她不喜欢棒球.

2. get apple cheek:
并不是什么固定搭配. 但是很形象, 很好用.一般当外面气温很低, 风又挺大的时候, 人的脸就会被吹红, 如同苹果色. 所以,这里就表示外面天气变冷, 气候变差.
举例: Marge: You can play outside, but you have to go back when you get apple cheek!


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