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07/10/12 New Feature: 左键双击任意英文单词就能显示解释
07/11/14 All the articles clipped from other websites are for the mere usage of language learning


Wake me up when September starts

September, again. I like September, not just because I was born on the 2nd of this month, it is also a month when leaves will turn yellow, breeze will come lighter, and everything starts to cool off, even just for a bit.

You are not alone, for i am here with you. Though you are far away, i am here to stay. YOu are not alone, for I am here with you. Though we are far apart, youwill always in my heart.

Hearing this song, thinking about MJ, my heart is filled with nothing but sadness. How are you MJ? Another day is gone, without you.

I watched the last episode of the Mentalist season one again. Whenever Red John shows up in one way or another, the tune of the episode turns to grey and heavy. Jane tears off his joking-around mask and shows his real self, that vulnerable, lost soul. He tells Lisbon that even if he died, if she can bring REd John to justice, it’ll be worth it. NOTHING is more worth than one’s own life. Even if every breath is pain, we cannot stop breathing.

LAst time i heard about opportunity cost in life. But how many “what if” question can we afford to ask ourselves without totally questioning everything in our lives?

Memories are not to be forgotten, but learing how to let go is the hardest part. 

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