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07/10/12 New Feature: 左键双击任意英文单词就能显示解释
07/11/14 All the articles clipped from other websites are for the mere usage of language learning


英语笔记 Earth and sky: the milky way

出处: http://www.earthsky.org/radioshows/52025/the-sagittarius-arm-of-the-galaxy

the milky way: 银河
: 星座,星群. Simply put, constellations are arbitrary groupings of stars that have been constructed so as to assist in the location and identification of stars.(from wiki answers)
starlit trail: 星光带
billowy: 汹涌的. n: billow: A large wave or swell of water.

相关新闻: Two-armed spiral Milky way

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匿名 说...

今天从GOOGLE上搜索“瑞典语”关键词,偶然间进入了你的空间,看到你对于瑞典语学习心得方面的介绍,感觉有异匪浅啊。我将于2008年8月千万KTH攻读media managemant的硕士课程,希望在瑞典语学习方面与你共勉!
MSN: sifires@hotmail.com


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