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07/10/12 New Feature: 左键双击任意英文单词就能显示解释
07/11/14 All the articles clipped from other websites are for the mere usage of language learning


美剧之 GA 413 "Piece of my heart"

Here is what i still remembered about GA 413 "Piece of my heart".

Something about the title of course. Everybody showed their piece of their heart in this episode. Besides the baby whose heart is litteraly partly out of her body, everybody has changed a little in their heart.

Krev's little "girl friend",Rebecca, is pregnant with Krev's baby. Well, of course she is married. What a poor husband btw. Krev doesn't believe he will be a good father, and he refused to face this fact, just avoid it until the very last minute.

Meredith is still collabrating with Mcdreamy on a clinical trail to treat a tumor patient. Meredith, is still being coworkers with Derek. What a final relief to me! Hope there will be no dramas between them, well, that's not gonna happen I know. But i have fed up with their endless weird issues. If they ever get back together, which is dah, please don't put them through all that crap again.

Yang is still dealing with Dr Hahn. At the end of the episode i finally see the old Cristina, questioning Hahn face to face what was the matter with her. It has been so long that i thought Crisitina has become this person with no sharp edges. She has been nice to Hahn for so long, but what did she get? Cold shoulders, eyes. Han is harsh to her because she reminds of Han herself.

Izzie is always the emotional one with the patient. This is what she is good at. and I also like the conversation between Izzie and George. What if they didn't have that lousy history of loving each other and had sex? They will always be this perfect friends in my heart. But the writers have to ruin this for me. But I am happy to see they finally back to be friends. When he hears something funny, he has to search if she is there to share the laughter too. Sweet.

Well, let's not forget the single most important thing in this eposide,Addison is back! Well, she didn't prefer the word"back", so let's just say she is visiting. Finally. But what she missed is a whole drama that she should feel happy not to get involved in. The conversation between she and Miranda is a really a confronting moment of the episode. Miranda has been through a lot. But the fact that she has to talk about her unhappiness with Addision is the most painfull thing. Actually, a sorrow shared is a sorrow halved. It's good she finally get this out of her chest, and face the monster in her heart.

The biggest surprising moment happened at the end of the show. Callie is afraid that Hahn is really falling for her. Is Dr Hahn possibly a lesbian??? Is that what the writers trying to tell the viewers? I mean what they are thinking! I am not buying this anyway.

Well, that wraps up my afterthoughts of the episode. I really have to train my english a little bit.


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