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K英语歌曲之 J-52 & Blanca Reyes - You're Gonna Make It

很偶然看了"铁证悬案" Cold Case S508
不得不说, 这部罪案剧的风格很对我胃口. 我一直不太喜欢看罪案剧, 也许是因为那些血, 那些罪犯,那些人最不可思议的阴暗面. Cold Case 也是同样. 但是,在每集的结尾处,一首画龙点睛的歌曲,当年的人,当年的事再次浮现.
以下这首歌就是S508的结尾配乐. 歌词里写的是, 如果你相信上帝.他会照顾你.

从YOUTUBE 上的视频里捕获了音频.提供大家分享~~
you're gonna make it-- KJ-52.MP3

仁慈的天父, 只有你永远不离不弃, 希望你让受迷惑的人早点醒悟. 阿门
KJ-52 & Blanca Reyes - You're Gonna Make It
Your gonna make it
Yes your gonna make it
Don't you worry about a thing that's happened in your life
Your gonna make it
Yes your gonna make it
Don't you worry about a thing it's gonna be alright

You may feel like your just starting over
Mistakes from your past that just want to hold ya
Down to the ground its all on your shoulder
You'll never make it now that's what they told ya
You start to figure out who really cares for ya
When no ones around no one is there for ya
When I was down and out and life was getting colder
See I found that's when God showed up
Your trying to make it right they make it hard for ya
But God will take a life even if it's broke up
Give you strength to fight whatever's coming toward ya
And don't forget that I'm always praying for ya

It's not fair all the things that just had to happen
Some days you wake up and feel like you've been abandoned
Life didn't shape up in the way that you planned it
The life you live is not the one that you imagined
I know they laugh and pick on you
I know you've had a lot of junk that you gone through
But I know who would never ever wrong you
Never quit on you and help you get on thru
When you fell he was the one who caught you
With every single tear man see he saw you
He was right there every time he called you
And I'll be praying for you gonna get on through

You try to pray but feel too ashamed to
Cuz those around you they just wanna blame you
But don't listen now just to what they say dude
God loves you he never hates you
You can count on the fact that he is faithful
Always exactly on time always came thru
When your blind you feel you lost your way too
He'll guide you and help you to find your way through
He knows you he's the one that made you
In anything you go thru now he can save you
And help you and plus give you strength too
You're gonna make it man you're gonna be ok dude

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