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07/10/12 New Feature: 左键双击任意英文单词就能显示解释
07/11/14 All the articles clipped from other websites are for the mere usage of language learning


瑞典语学习之 单词

今天是斯京一年一度的二月书展第一天. 所有书店里都是人声鼎沸的.瑞典人的购买力还是很惊人的. 老师让我们买的字典我早已打探过了, 但是苦于这本瑞瑞字典太深,实在不适合我这样词汇量还不是很大的学生用. 还是忍忍吧. 85克朗啊,bonniers ord book

今天下午学了Avancera Ord 10, 里面有好多很不错的生词, 特此摘抄.
andel: share
anklaga: accuse (compare: beklaga)
avta: decrease. intransitivt verb(compare: minska)
avundsjuk: jealous
bekräfta:confirm(a very useful word)
belysa:illuminate(abstract meaning), lighten up( concrete meaning), illustrate
belåten: satisfied (+med) mätt och belåten
bortskämd: spoiled
framstående: outstanding, prominent
framsteg: progress
förmoda: suppose, presume, assume(=tro, anta)
förorena: pollute
förteckning: a list
förutsättning:prerequisite( a funny story about the pronounciation exercise during class)
inskränka: restrict, limit,confine
invecklad: intricate, complex
olaga: illegal + the name of the crime
påfrestande:arduous (=ansträngande)
underskott: deficit, loss, deficiency
uppgå till ngt: amount to
åstadkomma: accomplish( very useful word)


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