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schm- prefix ( From ydy.com)

根据韦氏字典Merriam-Webster Dictionary:
"schm-"是个通常用来押韵的前缀, 它可直接加在元音开头的词前, 也可取代词头的辅音或辅音串. 等于是把一个词说了两遍, 但有了点变化, 不显呆板. 这种造词法常见于口语.
Apprentice 第一季第4集的标题“Ethics Schmethics”,就是"Ethics, Ethics". 因为这一集里, 黑人哥们儿Kwame为了吸引顾客, 增加收入, 装出篮球明星的样子, 在街边卖自己签字的篮球, 同时散发餐馆优惠券. 于是引出的有关"Ethics (道德伦理)"的讨论. 可惜其魅力不敌女队, 还是败北.
Variant(s): or shm- /shm/
Function: prefix
Etymology: Yiddish shm-
-- used to form a rhyming term of derision by replacing the initial consonant or consonant cluster of a word or by preceding the initial vowel <fancy, schmancy, I prefer plain> <Godfather-shmodfather--enough already -- Judith Crist>

urban dictionary:
schm- Dismissive prefix added to the second iteration of the noun being dismissed.
On friends S3Ep19, when Mark asked Rachel out and returned home, Rachel told him that she couldn't do it to Mark because it was not fair to use him to get back at Ross. Then Mark said "Ahh! Fair, schmair! Y'know? Look, if you want to get back at Ross, I am here for you"
Also, On the episode where Susan and Karol got married, at the wedding ceremony, when Chandler really wanted to dance with this women, after the first try, he said "All right look.Penis schmenis, we are all people……"

"As to where the "schm-" prefix comes from, "phyla schmyla" - I think
that it is somewhat based on the word schmuck, which has been defined as
penis, or someone who acts like one. By taking the first word and
moving the new prefix onto it, you are negating the word - as in who
needs (or cares about) phyla."
from: http://dml.cmnh.org/2002Dec/msg00194.html
"Well, the schm- prefix in general signifies indifference. So:
legal, schmegal -- to someone indicating that what you are about to do is not
healthy, schmealthy -- when you are about to smoke a cigarette
eurotrib, schmurotrib -- for disgruntled spouses, or similar, of people here"
from:< wind_code_1 >


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